Roberta J. Park Award for Scholarly Distinction

The Roberta J. Park Award for Scholarly Distinction honors senior scholars who have published exemplary research over an extended period of time that has contributed to a greater understanding and appreciation of sport from a historical perspective and how it has impacted broader societal and cultural practices. 

The chair of the NASSH Recognition award welcomes nominations from the membership for this award. To submit a nomination, please complete the Nomination Form (available as a PDF) and send it to Murray Phillips,, with the name of the nominee in the subject line.

2025 Deadline: TBD

2024 Jaime Schultz, Pennsylvania State University & Mark Dyreson, Pennsylvania State University

2023 Robert K. Barney, Western University & Samuel O. Regalado, California State University, Stanislaus, 

2022 Patricia Vertinsky, University of British Columbia